Thursday, January 10, 2008


Each word in samskrtam, if you think, is packed with meaning. Just like I had earlier written about PADAARTHA and OM, Aham is a very interesting word. This word has very similar interpretation like OM. Aham, starts with 'A' the first letter, and the first vowel ofcourse, of the language. The sound of it gets generated in the deep throat. 'Ha' is the last word in the alphabet. And 'M' the anuswara is like the 'M' in OM. It terminates at the lips. So 'AHAM' represents all the words that ccould be represented with the alphanet, from 'A' to 'Ham'. That is the universe according to the interpretation we had on OM eralier. So then, Aham is the universe. That is why we say 'Aham brahmasmi', I am the cosmos.